Healthzilla Participated in Health100 Unconference

On Wednesday, 7th of October, 2020, Healthzilla took part in an annual unconference (yes, you read right!) organized by Updgraded, the Health Startup Association of Finland. The by-invitation-only unconference known as Health100 featured:

  • More than 300 participants (25% health startups, 10% academics and researchers, 10% healthcare professionals) 

  • More than 200 one-on-one meetings 

  • 794 attendees in roundtable discussions on topics regarding the new normal

The day itself was filled with keynotes and discussions on topics of the new normal such as "transitioning to remote work", "new remote healthcare solutions" and "the future of Nordic health". Furthermore, the Upgraded Health Resolution – a document that will summarize all the discussions held during the event - will be published in the coming months.

Tommi Ryyppö