It’s out! New Healthzilla: a Data-Driven Approach to Healthy Habits

Despite the universal acceptance and cultural practice of New Year’s Resolutions, there are actually very simple and sound reasons why they just don’t work. Habit change is hard, no measurement means no management, and no progression guarantees relapse.

Healthzilla, a healthtech startup out of Singapore, has been developing technologies for consumers to manage their health and wellness by unlocking the power of their wearables data. The team has just released a new version of their namesake app, now targeting the holy grail of health & wellbeing in how to get people to change their habits.

“We combine the psychology of habit building, the analytical capabilities of machine learning, real-time health data from sensors, and the latest in preventative healthcare research to help our users reach and maintain their health & wellbeing goals,” states CEO Laura Ranin. 

The app relies on objective data instead of intuition and subjective assessments. “Rather than ask you about your activity and sleep, we simply measure it with these devices automatically in the background,” Ranin continues. Once you establish what habits you have, and how often you perform them, you can choose to participate in a 100-day transformation challenge. If you take the challenge, the Healthzilla app will prompt you every week to add to your weekly routines to introduce and add to your habits.

Download the iPhone app:

Laura Ranin