Zillax – Healthzilla presents at Work Wellbeing event

Healthzilla’s CTO Aki Ranin was invited to share his insights and data-driven approach to stress management at a panel discussion on How Personalised Health Data Supports the Work Well-Being. Along with co-panelists Joel Chin, CEO of Activate Interactive Pte Ltd, and Vismai Schonfelder, Chiropractor, Aki talked about monitoring and balancing stress, and the importance of recovery and exercise.

With deep expertise in Fintech, Machine Learning, and all things Health & Fitness, Aki’s inputs at the event focused on intelligent automation through applied data. He explained in practical terms how we can continuously measure and monitor our wellbeing and stress levels and how we can optimise our health through smart use of health data.

The event took place at Wärtsilä Singapore premises on February 28th 2019.

More information http://www.fbcsg.org/events/how-personalised-health-data-helps-at-work-well-being/

Laura Ranin