Goodbye from Healthzilla trainee Asrin

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It feels like I just started and now it`s already time to say goodbye and head towards new challenges. The past four months has taught me so much, not only about the hustling and bustling scene of start-up world, but about my own skills and interests. It was wonderful to follow a very professional approach to changing working environment and coordinating all the tasks online with the help of Healthzilla`s wonderful team.

When I started working as a trainee in November 2020, my main goal was to get to know the start-up world and gain first-hand experience from an innovative company like Healthzilla. Sure, it had some of it`s challenges due to current regulations, but I am grateful for the time I had working with the company and for being able to still visit the office from time to time.  

It was very interesting to learn more about health and wellbeing sector and gain new perspective towards the industry. Working at home has been a different experience, but I learned how to successfully manage different tasks and simultaneously acquired new skills while doing so.  

Asrin Shahsawari