Healthzilla offers Personal Trainers a solution for remote monitoring of Health & Fitness data


The question of what counts as essential services during the pandemic has been tough for the fitness industry. In many parts of the world, gyms have been closed through most of 2020. Some have already shuttered for good, while others are willing to risk everything to keep their businesses going.

Due to the lockdown limitations and lack of options, a lot of people have started working out at home. One of the leading home fitness solutions, Peloton, has tripled its sales through 2020. Then again, a $2,000 stationary bike isn't the right solution for everyone and provides just one component of a healthy lifestyle.

In terms of staying healthy, diet is usually the bigger issue for most. Especially during the lockdown, snacking is up. While apps like MyFitnessPal and Lifesum have helped people for years to count calories, it's hard for people to self-regulate and find balance given the over-abundance of information on the internet.

Youtube is full of training programs and recipes for any diet, while Instagram fitness influencers are increasingly the first stop for fitness and healthy lifestyle tips. But at the end of the day, you have to put it all together. Working out isn’t enough. You need the right supporting habits to see results that stay. This is where personal trainers still play a key role.

Personal trainers are particularly hit by the pandemic. In many countries, gyms are closed, and trainers are unable to meet with clients regularly, if at all. This is forcing many to move to digital platforms to interact with their clients.

“While Healthzilla already offers a free digital app for consumers to manage healthy habits, during the pandemic, we saw an opportunity to engage with trainers to leverage our platform and help people stay healthy together.”
- Laura Ranin, Healthzilla CEO

Healthzilla doesn't offer training programs but instead focuses on data. The app measures important health & recovery metrics like Resting Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability from your fingertip using any smartphone camera. To complete the picture, Healthzilla also connects to many 3rd party devices and apps such as Oura Ring. 

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“I use Healthzilla application and dashboard with my personal training clients, because it helps me to see how my clients are progressing. It also helps me to explain and show to them the importance of small steps, when trying to learn new healthy habits.”
- Tiina Simpanen, Certified FAF Personal Trainer 

Healthzilla is currently offering Personal Trainers a one-month free trial, and a further free month for any colleagues who they invite onto the platform.

If you’d like to upgrade your personal training business or Health & Fitness organization to the digital age, click below to contact the team.

Laura Ranin